This is a post from 2018 that I transferred over from my old blog.
I've been able to heal many of the symptoms I write about here: insomnia, anxiety & chronic inflammation (all related) by getting to the root cause, which I believe is the most important approach to actually healing. I'm re-sharing because I still believe CBD oil to be a top natural healing aid for acute inflammation and other symptoms that often need tending to in our modern lives. I also suspect more and more information to come out over the years about the encannabinoid system and the benefits of CBD for overall systemic health.
Keywords & Their Differences
Cannabis: A family of plants.
Cannabis Sativa: A classification of the cannabis family.
Is this bringing you back to your days in Biology class?
Hemp: A species of the cannabis sativa plant, which is a different species than marijuana and does not contain THC.
Cannabidiol: also known as CBD, is one of the naturally occurring elements found in the cannabis sativa plant and certain strains of hemp. CBD oil is made by extracting the resin from the cannabis flower or from the stalks of hemp. It is then diluted with a carrier oil (coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, hemp oil, etc.). CBD oil does not contain psychoactive compounds, meaning it will not induce a high like THC does. It is legal in all 50 states and will not show up as “THC” on a drug test. So you won’t be arrested or lose your job for using it.
Health Benefits
I love learning about the health benefits of natural supplements, so I’ve done quite a bit of digging on this topic. I’ve discovered that the health benefits of using CBD oil are pretty extensive. Research shows that CBD oil is therapeutic for several conditions, including (but not limited to):
Chronic Pain
Multiple Sclerosis
Immune Support
Muscle Recovery
Cardiovascular Health
Gut Health + Digestion
Bone Growth
What I love most about CBD oil is that it can help prevent health problems before they occur and it helps to actually heal problems that are already present, as opposed to just putting a band-aid on them.
The Endocannabinoid System
Yes, we have a system in our body named after cannabis. It was discovered in 1992. Researchers found 2 types of cannabinoid receptors in our body, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are in the central nervous system, which includes your brain and nerves of the spinal cord. CB2 receptors are in the peripheral nervous system, which are the nerves in our extremities, digestive system and cells in the immune system.
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) helps bring our body to a certain state of equilibrium. This is referred to as homeostasis and helps to keep your internal states balanced.
My Experience Using CBD Oil
To start, I will say I did a lot of research on the different brands out there. There are several and I will go into more detail below about what to look out for when purchasing CBD oil. My absolute favorite CBD company is Cured Nutrition, a company of integrity, top notch products and a mission to bring awareness to people about the health benefits of CBD and its ability to heal our bodies from the inside out.
The reason I wanted to try CBD oil was to see if it would help with my inability to fall asleep, some anxiety I’ve had the last few years and with some inflammation.
This has been a lifelong problem for me. Some nights are better than others, but for the most part it’s an issue. I definitely have an overactive brain and it loves to think up all the ways I can save the world right when I decide to go to sleep. Anyways, I’ve tried everything to help over the years, from before bed time yoga to reishi tea to magnesium oil. All of these have helped a little, so I still incorporate them in most nights. However, CBD oil has been like a magical sleeping potion for me. I fall asleep within 10 minutes of using it and wake up feeling refreshed! It’s crazy. I’ve tried over the counter medications, which I try to steer clear from, and they’ve always made me feel a little droggy (if that’s a word) the next morning. The CBD oil doesn’t have any effects like that for me. I sleep through the night and feel great the next morning. I’m still pretty amazed by it, honestly.
So, I’m still trying to understand my experience with anxiety. It’s something I’ve struggled with for much longer than I even realized. I didn’t know some of the behaviors I had were symptoms of anxiety until this year. So, it has been a learning experience for me. I’ve actually reduced it greatly by getting to the root of some of the things that trigger it for me and figuring out why they trigger it. However, anxiety is complex! There are a lot of layers to it, with lots of different reasons it shows up in our lives. Those reasons are different for everyone and it requires some digging to understand it all. We also have to be mindful that genetics, nutrition, lifestyle choices, environmental , medications and several other factors play a role in the development of anxiety. With that being said, using the CBD oil has definitely helped with mine. I’ll take half of a dose in the morning and I just feel more calm and less anxious throughout the day. It’s hard to explain because I don’t feel a drastic difference. It’s subtle, but definitely noticeable.
*I also want to share that it’s ok to struggle with anxiety. I mean, it’s not fun and it’d be awesome if we didn’t. But, it doesn’t mean “something is wrong with you.” It means you are human and there’s a lot we encounter during our lives, especially in the world we live in today. I’ve learned that thinking of the anxiety and yourself in a critical way can actually make it worse. It’s best to look at it in a non judgmental way and to not try to escape from it. I try to look at it as an opportunity to turn towards myself with curiosity and compassion and to learn what message it may be sending. That being said, everyone’s experience is different and some cases are extremely debilitating, so I encourage everyone to do what is best for you as an individual.
Inflammation is a part of the body’s immune response. The body sends out chemicals to attack “invaders” such as infections, viruses, diseases, stressors and certain foods + drinks (high sugar + alcohol, for example). In most cases, the body will send out the chemicals and eventually return to its normal state after its protected + healed the body from the invader. However, there are situations where the body stays in a state of protection mode and can lead to chronic inflammation. Researchers have actually found that chronic inflammation is the root cause for almost all the diseases + health problems we have. It’s pretty crazy. My issues with inflammation are stress related. Since CBD oil is shown to be a great natural anti-inflammatory, I’m using it to help. I don’t know how to assess my inflammation levels, but I’m trusting that it’s helping! I see an acupuncturist and she can literally touch my arm and tell if my inflammation has improved, but I haven’t seen her since I’ve been using the CBD oil. We’ll see if she notices any improvements next time I go.
Additional Observations + Dosage
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