Are you wanting deeper connection, support and nourishment in your motherhood journey?
Do you feel a deep knowing of another way but aren't sure how to live into it in our current culture?
Do you know in your bones that there are deeper aspects of motherhood that aren't acknowledged or discussed or witnessed in the way that's needed?
Are you longing for a place to be able to explore those depths and the changes you're experiencing? or have experienced?
Join a group of courageous women who are leaning into the big questions and changes and longings and largeness of it all, right beside you.
It's a rites of passage that invites you, in all the different ways, to become immense yourself. But this was never meant to be done by yourself. Initiatory experiences, the profound threshold of becoming a mother, the mighty journey of motherhood, the cycles of death and rebirth, are meant to be witnessed and supported and held in ways that our modern culture has become disconnected from.
Who are you now? What wisdom and gifts do you carry?
This is a space to witness and be witnessed, to be with the wisdom of your body, to metabolize some of what has been unacknowleged and unseen, and to honor the rites of passage you have or are moving through. It's a space to connect with other courageous women, who are showing up, bringing their honesty and heart into creating this sacred space together. To do what we were made to do, to gather, together.
We are at a time where so many of the ways of doing things, the ways of being, are up for negotiation. We know a different way is needed. And we get to be a part of living into being human, into being a woman, into being a mother, differently. We get to create a different way, together.
• Mothers with children of all ages
• Women who are pregnant or want to be mothers
• Women who want to be in community with other mothers in a nourishing way
• Women who want to gather around meaningful topics, exploring the journey of womanhood & motherhood
• Mothers who feel the longing to live into a new narrative & way of being, redefining womanhood & motherhood according to their own values & deeper knowing
• Mothers who are on the path of cultivating a compassionate, trusting relationship with their bodies, it's seasons, it's needs, and the wisdom found there
• Mothers who find themselves on the journey of re-mothering themselves
• Women who care for mothers (Childbirth educators, Birthworkers, Midwives, birth & postpartum doulas, OBGYNs, , L&D nurses, Prenatal & postpartum yoga teachers and more)
Motherhood is an immense rite of passage. An underworld journey so often not acknowledged or talked about. We'll learn and explore the arc of this journey and the resources to be present to it, along with giving you the space to be witnessed as you locate yourself within it.
We are cyclical beings, continuously moving through cycles and seasons. Your energy, needs, values, orientation towards life, changes based on where you are. We'll explore the wholeness, wisdom, & power found in attuning to and living in rhythm with your cycles and shifting seasons.
Your needs as a mother matter. What your baby needs, you need. We will explore your needs and ways to tend to those needs, as a mother. You will learn a framework for building a foundation of wellness and deep care for your whole being.
The state of your nervous system impacts every aspect of life. We’ll explore these states, along with the predator-prey dynamic that is present in birth and motherhood. You'll deepen your awareness of nervous system health and ways to apply it in your daily life.
Birth is an initiatory experience. Women’s birth experiences and birth stories hold so much. We’ll explore ways to access and share this experience, while giving you the space to locate the wisdom it has to offer for your motherhood journey.
Being sexual and a mother can often feel like a split. We will explore the changes motherhood brings to this aspect of your life. You’ll learn to connect to and cultivate a deeper intimacy with yourself where you are now, within your body and sexuality.
Motherhood can often rearrange your sense of worth and bring a lot of change in how you relate to your work in the world. We'll explore the relationship between worthiness and work. You'll learn to ground yourself in and nuture the worthiness found in your being and in your mothering.
We are shaped by our motherline and by the mothers around us. And as a mother, there is a legacy that you will leave. We will explore and identify the values that you want to guide your mothering and what you want to carry forward in your own lineage.
Each live class includes meditations, practices, and discussion inside the MotherCircle group
• 8 live online classes over an 8-week period - 2025 Dates TBA
• Classes will be 60-75 minutes (dates/time TBA)
• 1 bonus Grief Circle (date/time TBA)
• Private Facebook group to connect outside of the circle
• Recorded sessions of each weekly meeting sent to you via email (if you have to miss a day, you'll get the full recording)
Get notified when registration is open!
*Payment plan option available: 2 payments of $135. Payment 1 paid on sign up and payment 2 paid on March 1st. If you'd like to join with this option, please email me a short message here letting me know you'd like this option and I'll email you back with the sign up page.
I have longed for things I spent most of my life unable to name, until I landed on them the last many years and felt a deep knowing inside of “this.” Things that had been missing in my own life, in the world around me, but felt so familiar to my being. My own journey has been more of a remembrance & reconnection than anything. I am incredibly curious & have a deep love of learning. I believe that the questions we ask, the way we choose to stay with the questions, the way we live into them as Rilke would say, can be more important than immediate & often incomplete answers. My training & studies and practices the last many years have been in holistic health, nutrition, embodiment, nervous system health, breathwork, grief, ritual, mother circle, and leadership. At the center of them all is an approach of deep care & compassion, and how those support us in creating a more beautiful world. A more life-honoring and life-giving way of living. I have learned and received so much being in community and circles with others. By participating in and creating little villages. I am not a mother at this time (though I hope to be one day), but felt deeply called to this work. I know the hunger for a village and places to be with what’s real, to be witnessed and seen in the wholeness & worthiness of who you are. To have the wisdom of your body and being reflected back. I know the hunger for deep nourishment & nurturing. I know the longing for support during the threshold moments of life, & the depth that is necessary to hold those moments as sacred. I know the journey of re-mothering yourself & the grief that is so deeply woven into that. I know the bone deep longing for a different way.
Motherhood is sacred. Women's bodies are sacred. I’m devoted to creating spaces that support us in living into life-honoring & life-giving ways that reflect those truths within our lives & the world around us.
I’m a big lover of life. I love depth and beauty and connection. Poems. Walks in nature. Song. Dance. Animals. Food. All the arts and crafts! One of the many cherries on top of facilitating circles is getting to weave some of these in there. All the love of these in there. What a gift.
Kimberly Ann Johnson
"We have to build the world we want to belong to."